I can't believe it's been six months since my last entry!!! What a slacker! Oh yeah, wait, I've been busy....yeah, that's it, busy. Let's see....May, school got out....and then as I recall, all heck broke loose in my routine. We had a great summer though. We went to Lagoon twice, once with mom and my sister's crew, and once with my Uncle. We also managed to squeeze in a trip to the Canyon County Fair, The Caldwell Night Rodeo, The Western Idaho Fair, a trip to Connell, WA, to visit my great Aunt, and a week in McCall. I haven't gotten any film developed, but when I do, I will try to load pictures. We also had a lot of side trips to local sites and activities. The boys said it was their best summer ever. My nephew left on his mission to Tulsa, OK, in June. I went through the temple with him when he took out his endowments, which was an awesome experience I will write about another time. It was my first session in almost 15 years. It felt so wonderful to be back in the temple. I went to my niece's wedding in SLC Temple last July, but we didn't go through a session.
Then, in late July, I got the humble pleasure of contracting the West Nile Virus. Not a very welcomed visitor, let me tell ya. I am finally starting to feel better, but still get easily fatigued with much activity. I had a lot of problems early this summer again with my heart, but after some tests and playing around with my meds, they finally have a regimen worked out that seems to be helping. My diabetes, well, that's another story in itself. Still having sugar swings from 600 to 35. Never know from one hour to the next either. One day at a time is the best we can do. I have started seeing a NUCCA chiropractor and he has helped my neck problems quite a bit, when I make it over to Boise for the appointments, lol.
The boys are growing like weeds. I can't believe they are in 4th and 2nd grades. If time doesn't slow down, I'm going to protest. Not sure who will listen, but I will protest. They both have wonderful teachers this year. Progress reports came home last week and both the boys got straight A's and A+'s. They both love school and I couldn't be prouder of them.
BB is playing flag football, we are half-way through his season....and he will start basketball the Monday following his final game on a Saturday. That seems to keep us busier than almost anything else. Practice every other night of the week and games on Saturdays. Throw in cub scouts once a week and doctor's visits (he is seing a NUCCA chiropractor now because of injuries he sustained in our car accident a few years ago) twice a week, and I don't know how we get everything done. He is excelling in school already this year too. They just took their ISAT's and he scored advanced scores in all areas. His teacher says he is in the top 3% of his class in every subject. I can really tell a difference in his attitude this year having a teacher who is more with it (that's another story in itself....last year's teacher was brand spanking new and let's just say, she isn't teaching again this year).
LB isn't playing any sports right now but will start basketball in January. He is really looking forward to it. He has never signed up for basketball before. He got his first pair of glasses last week, wore them to school one day and lost them the next. I knew it was bound to happen, the boy would lose his nose if it wasn't attached to his face!! Luckily, his glasses turned up at school on Monday and his teacher sent them home in one piece. He is light years ahead of everyone in his class according to his teacher. Their reading fluency goal for his grade by the end of the school year is 120 and he started school at 205. And he is already working on next year's math. We don't have a gifted program at our new elementary school, so the teacher tries to keep him with extra work so he doesn't get bored. She has him working on advanced courses in the classroom. Gee, can you tell mommy is proud? lol.
I have decided to make a conscious effort to write here everyday. I am going to use this more as a journal than anything. So, if you are one of the unlucky people who happen across this blog, you might get pretty bored. It's not full of funnies or ingenious insights. . . . just my daily life.
I finally learned how to sell on E-bay which is something I've been wanting to try for years. I figured it out and sold the very first item I listed. So then I listed a few more, and sold almost all of those items. This last time I listed 21 items and have only sold 4 so far. But hey, it's a good way to clean out the garage, a little bit at a time.
Wow, there is an incredible lightening display outside right now and the rain is pounding against my window. First rain we've had in a long time! I guess the lightening means I should get off my computer, lol.
I actually did some canning last week and this week. I canned my first ever batch of chili sauce. It was a lot of work for 7 pints. It turned out so good though that I am going to can more this week. I put up 3 batches of peaches in the last 2 days. I feel so Betty Crocker. LOL. It is a very satisfying feeling though, I must say. It feels sort of nastalgic as well, as it brings back a lot of memories of canning with mom when I was a teenager. It all comes back to you. Who knew. I made spaghetti sauce with one of my jars of chili sauce tonight and both BB and his friend wanted to know if they could just eat a bowl of sauce for dinner it was so good. I'll take that as a compliment :-)
Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep, haven't slept in almost three nights now. Probably in pain from all the canning I guess. Getting old sucks. And yet, I wouldn't change a thing.