When I get my hands on Murphy....

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Gee, must be picture day tomorrow!

Ok, this tooth has been loose for the last six months. Then, about two weeks ago, it got really loose. Then, about 4 days ago, it was ready. Yesterday, LB comes home from school elated, "Look mom, I can push it out with my tongue!!" His tooth was protruding from his mouth. Ok, school pictures are tomorrow, let's leave it alone and it will come out in the next few days.

About 7 p.m. BB comes running in to where I was. . ."Mommy, LB is bleeding." In the background I can hear LB crying, the "freak-out" cry he has when he sees blood. About that time he comes running in, his face is covered in blood, his shirt is covered with blood, his hands and arms are covered with blood. From way too much experience in this department, I know that mouths bleed...a lot. So I try to calm him down, I get a towel and dob the blood so I can see what's going on. I thought he had split his lip or something. BB says something about not doing it on purpose and LB is muttering something about an elbow to the face. Well, it wasn't a split lip, his tooth was in the palm of his hand. I couldn't believe he bled that much from a tooth coming out. Granted, it didn't come out on it's own, but it was really ready. I was surprised.

So, I get him all cleaned up and calmed down, and he is growing excited at the anticipation of the tooth fairy. All is good in his world again. I clean up his tooth and put it in a baggy for him to put under his pillow.

Morning comes, he reaches under his pillow and finds the tooth fairy has left him something special this time, a Sacajewea dollar coin. He is THRILLED. . . . till breakfast when he somehow managed to drop it down the heating vent.

I swear....


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