When I get my hands on Murphy....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Not in My World!!!

This morning was a typical, hurry-up and get ready morning. Working on three hours of sleep, and 2 hours the night before that, I was pretty tired. I get grouchy when I'm tired and rushed. Go figure. Anyway, I took my shower and then woke up the boys to get in the shower. BB hit the shower first. He got out after about 10 minutes and as he was exiting the bathroom, LB was entering the bathroom for his shower. Now, mind you, LB has been down sick again with the flu and is not too amused about having to be up and out of the house this morning. He took his shower and wanted out much quicker than usual. He was complaining about a stomach ache. So as he was drying off and getting wrapped up in his towel, he tells me he is not feeling too hot again. He says, "Mom, I think the shower made me feel badder." BB overhears this and tries to correct him saying, "LB, there is no such word as "badder," it's "more bad" or "worse." LB replies, "Not in MY world!"


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Cassie said...

That's what I finally said after years of being teased for saying wrong words. It gets them all laughing and they forget all about it....works rather well. lol


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