When I get my hands on Murphy....

Sunday, April 30, 2006


I knew it would happen one of these days.......the kids beat the Easter Bunny up. I don't mean they beat him up, I mean they woke up before I managed to get my lazy behind out of bed and put out the baskets!! I almost blew Christmas stockings this past Christmas too. It really sucks getting old....lol.

I was awakened Easter morning by BB at 5:00 a.m........"Mommy, can I go see if the Easter Bunny came yet?" "No, sweetheart, go back to sleep." Ok, so that should have made me get out of bed and put out the baskets, but....well, maybe I'll just close my eyes for one more minute.......

9:00 a.m.: "Mommy, Mommy!! The Easter Bunny didn't come this year! He didn't bring us anything! I knew we stayed up too late! Dang it!" Now, lucky for me I had already put the baskets together and hid them in a closet in my bathroom. Ok, think quick mommy......

"Well you know what guys? I bet since you didn't go to bed on time he decided to play a trick on you. He did that to me once when I was a little girl. I wonder if he hid them somewhere?"

Their eyes lit up...."Really?".....and off they ran. Every cupboard and closet in the house was turned upside down in less than one minute flat!

Whew......that was a close one! (hehe, at least the Easter Bunny got the baskets made at my house unlike my sister who wasn't quite as lucky....her little one walked in on her with bags of candy and baskets in hand......he was just tooooo busy this year!)


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