When I get my hands on Murphy....

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Only Six?

Ok, so I've been "tagged" by Taffi to explain six reasons why I'm weird.

A. She's my sister....she already knows a lot more than six!
B. I'm supposed to limit myself to six? Where to start?
C. Why would I want to admit to any of it?

Ok, ok, I'll play your "weird" game.........

1. I'm an insomniac. It's 5 a.m. and I'm blogging about why I'm weird. Hmmmmm.

2. I'm a shopaholic. There. I said it. Nothing brings me out of the blues better than shopping. Except for seeing my babies. Combine the two, and you've hit a grand slam.

3. I'm addicted to 24. I'm a 24 girl. Kiefer, baby, I'm all yours, pant pant, slurp.

4. I live in a house. I should live in a motel; a place to sleep, shower, watch a little tv, all with built-in maid service!

5. All my dates in the last four years have come from online. Scary.

6. I can't remember the sixth one. I have memory loss.

Happy Birthday Auntie Beth!!

My Aunt Beth and I share the same birthday. Except, this year she was turning 80.....while I remain 29......lol. Anyway, there was a surprise open house thrown in her honor in Olympia, Washington, and we crashed the party. What fun!!

It was a week ago and my soul is still overfilled with joy. I had the most wonderful time. I got to get reacquainted with cousins I hadn't seen for over 10 years. The most incredible thing was watching all of our children make instant friends and play outside on Grandpa's lawn the way we all did as children. What an awesome site. I still get teary eyed just thinking about it. Everything has changed so much, and yet the things that really matter have never changed at all.


I knew it would happen one of these days.......the kids beat the Easter Bunny up. I don't mean they beat him up, I mean they woke up before I managed to get my lazy behind out of bed and put out the baskets!! I almost blew Christmas stockings this past Christmas too. It really sucks getting old....lol.

I was awakened Easter morning by BB at 5:00 a.m........"Mommy, can I go see if the Easter Bunny came yet?" "No, sweetheart, go back to sleep." Ok, so that should have made me get out of bed and put out the baskets, but....well, maybe I'll just close my eyes for one more minute.......

9:00 a.m.: "Mommy, Mommy!! The Easter Bunny didn't come this year! He didn't bring us anything! I knew we stayed up too late! Dang it!" Now, lucky for me I had already put the baskets together and hid them in a closet in my bathroom. Ok, think quick mommy......

"Well you know what guys? I bet since you didn't go to bed on time he decided to play a trick on you. He did that to me once when I was a little girl. I wonder if he hid them somewhere?"

Their eyes lit up...."Really?".....and off they ran. Every cupboard and closet in the house was turned upside down in less than one minute flat!

Whew......that was a close one! (hehe, at least the Easter Bunny got the baskets made at my house unlike my sister who wasn't quite as lucky....her little one walked in on her with bags of candy and baskets in hand......he was just tooooo busy this year!)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Not in My World!!!

This morning was a typical, hurry-up and get ready morning. Working on three hours of sleep, and 2 hours the night before that, I was pretty tired. I get grouchy when I'm tired and rushed. Go figure. Anyway, I took my shower and then woke up the boys to get in the shower. BB hit the shower first. He got out after about 10 minutes and as he was exiting the bathroom, LB was entering the bathroom for his shower. Now, mind you, LB has been down sick again with the flu and is not too amused about having to be up and out of the house this morning. He took his shower and wanted out much quicker than usual. He was complaining about a stomach ache. So as he was drying off and getting wrapped up in his towel, he tells me he is not feeling too hot again. He says, "Mom, I think the shower made me feel badder." BB overhears this and tries to correct him saying, "LB, there is no such word as "badder," it's "more bad" or "worse." LB replies, "Not in MY world!"

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Too Cute

LB lost his first tooth Saturday morning! It had been loose for about 4 days. He was learning how to do tricks with it with his tongue. He was so excited and wouldn't let me near it, as he was convinced I would yank it out. (Go figure!)

Saturday morning he came running into my room as excited as I had ever seen him. "Mommy, it came out, it came out!!" He held it up proudly for me to see.

The day was spent looking for the "lost tooth" off and on as he couldn't seem to leave it alone. About 10 p.m. he comes into my bathroom where I am brushing my teeth. "Mommy, oh Mommy........it dropped down the garbage disposal!!" "What dropped down the garbage disposal honey?" "My tooth! I was trying to rinse it off because I dropped it on the floor and I wanted to make it shiny and clean for the Tooth Fairy! Can you get it? Can you puhleeeease get it Mommy?"

Ok, think quick. What if you can't retrieve it? He will be forever crushed. Losing his first tooth (twice, lol). Down the garbage disposal of all places. (It was bad enough when we lost our frog down there, another story, another time.) So, I quickly went to my jewelry box where I have kept BB's first lost tooth for the past few years, waiting to put it in his baby book someday. I hid it in between my fingers on my left hand to magically produce a tooth in the event that LB's tooth had washed on down the drain. Luckily, I didn't have to do that. His tiny little tooth was sitting within view at the bottom of the disposal. I reached my hand down inside to try to get it out and I thought BB and LB were going to have a coronary!! "Mom, don't do it, it's just a tooth! It's not worth losing your hand over!!" How sweet I thought, just stay away from the switch!

I successfully rescued the tooth, rinsed it off, dried it, and put it back in the baggie he had been carting around all day. After all that drama, guess who fell asleep before he put it under his pillow? I think I was more disappointed than he was. I tried waking him up, put the baggie in his hand and guided his hand under his pillow to deposit the baggie. I'm sure he won't remember how it wound up under his pillow, but he will always remember that the Tooth Fairy came and he was very happy.

Whew! Next............